
Our Mission

The Eamonn O’Loghlin Irish Canadian Immigration Centre assists Irish diaspora from across the island of Ireland, offering outreach and information, nationally, in 3 key areas:

Immigration System Navigation
Employment Guidance and Resources
Social Services Navigation

Our Core Values

Trust: leveraging and building on our reputation
Awareness and Understanding: of the evolving needs of Irish diaspora
Collaboration: with stakeholders across governments and communities
Diversity: recognizing non-traditional diasporas and the myriad complexities of Irishness

What We Offer

Our consultation services are national across Canada.  Reach out from wherever you are!  Join our national webinars. In person newcomer events take place in Vancouver and Toronto.

I/CAN gives information, not advice. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is your main resource for immigration matters.  Contact with I/CAN cannot be seen to replace legal/professional advice. Read I/CAN’s Privacy Policy HERE

All services are free and confidential.

We Provide:

information on work permits, permanent residency, and citizenship, sign-posting to information (we cannot give case-specific advice or tell you which immigration stream to select)
seminars / webinars facilitated by specialists
essential guides and up-to-date news
settlement info
wellbeing services

Need a Job?


host a LinkedIn group for networking
offer regular employment webinars with critical tips and tools
direct to professional Irish networking organizations across Canada
provide employment guides on our website
post jobs from corporate partners on Facebook and LinkedIn

Need Assistance Completing Applications?

We’ll direct you to IRCC’s application forms.  Ask us questions and we will endeavour to get you non-case-specific information.  For in-depth assistance, if you choose to use an immigration lawyer or regulated Canadian immigration consultant, IRCC can help you to understand what constitutes an authorized representative:

lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society
lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society
immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council
IRCC tips on how to avoid being a victim of fraud

Keep Up To Date

Follow us on social media for news, events, and tips. Tune into our podcast for helpful, in depth information:


News & Events

Cover for Irish Canadian Immigration Centre
Irish Canadian Immigration Centre

Irish Canadian Immigration Centre

Resources, nationally, in 3 key areas: immigration, employment, social services.

MONDAY MORNING MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESSHelplink.ie is a free online counselling service that is available for Irish people living abroad. They provide culturally sensitive support to Irish citizens. You can also avail of the service when you are returning to Ireland, if you need additional support.According to Helplink.ie their services can be helpful for you if you have been experiencing difficulties such as ‘bullying, depression, loneliness, transitional stress, anxiety, displacement, self-esteem issues, etc’Click on Helplink.ie for more information: Online counselling service for Irish Abroad and returning Irish Emigrants(helplink.ie) There are many other free helplines you can call within Canada if you need support, see details of them on I/CAN's Mental Health Resources page irishcanadianimmigrationcentre.org/mental-health/Always remember if you want to explore any general health, mental health or wellbeing supports available to you can reach out to I/CAN's Social Care Advisor for support. All contact with I/CAN is free and confidential.Email: s.ogorman@irishcdn.org Call/Text: 778-689-9590#mentalhealth #wellbeing #irishincanada #irishinBC #irishinvancouver #irishintoronto #irishincalgary See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

I/CAN has had a long friendship with the IRL Group in Vancouver. Thanks for your continued sponsorship of our not-for-profit. We value our partnership! (L-R Laura Donnellan IRL, Cathy Murphy I/CAN, Grainne Fitzgerald IRL) See MoreSee Less
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Reach Out campaign launch: Did you know there are many ways to reach out to I/CAN? See MoreSee Less
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When renting accommodation in Canada you will be asked to pay a security deposit, and if you’re allowed to have pets you may also have to pay a pet deposit.gov.bc.ca explains more about both deposits here: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/during-a-tenancy/pets-and-tenancy Before signing a lease, always check up the requirements on paying a pet deposit in the province you are living in/moving to. #IrishinCanada #irishintoronto #irishinvancouver #irishincalgary #irishinedmonton See MoreSee Less
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Newly arrived in Toronto? Join us for a cuppa next Thursday February 13th at 11am. Link to register here www.eventbrite.ca/e/toronto-new-arrivals-coffee-morning-tickets-1235313137849?aff=oddtdtcreator#irishintoronto See MoreSee Less
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