Return to Ireland
Thinking of returning to Ireland?
Returning to Ireland from Canada can be as logistically complex as the move to Canada all those years ago. You may now have a spouse or a child to consider. Perhaps PPS numbers and how to bring a non-Irish spouse are top of the list. You may also need to know about job seekers’ allowance and social welfare. We’ve compiled some key resources to help you find the information you need.
These organizations can help:
Crosscare Irish Diaspora Support Project
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Returning to Ireland
Back for Business Programme
Safe Home Ireland
Citizens Information: Planning your journey home
Driver Licensing Measures to Help Returning Emigrants
Bringing Non-Irish Family Members: De Facto Pre-clearance — Crosscare
Retiring in Ireland
State Pension: Department of Social Protection
Social Welfare and Habitual Residence Condition
Citizens Information- Returning to Ireland in a Crisis
Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas
Expat Returning to Ireland FB Page