
Our Mission

The Eamonn O’Loghlin Irish Canadian Immigration Centre assists Irish diaspora from across the island of Ireland, offering outreach and information, nationally, in 3 key areas:

Immigration System Navigation
Employment Guidance and Resources
Social Services Navigation

Our Core Values

Trust: leveraging and building on our reputation
Awareness and Understanding: of the evolving needs of Irish diaspora
Collaboration: with stakeholders across governments and communities
Diversity: recognizing non-traditional diasporas and the myriad complexities of Irishness

What We Offer

Our consultation services are national across Canada.  Reach out from wherever you are!  Join our national webinars. In person newcomer events take place in Vancouver and Toronto.

I/CAN gives information, not advice. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is your main resource for immigration matters.  Contact with I/CAN cannot be seen to replace legal/professional advice. Read I/CAN’s Privacy Policy HERE

All services are free and confidential.

We Provide:

information on work permits, permanent residency, and citizenship, sign-posting to information (we cannot give case-specific advice or tell you which immigration stream to select)
seminars / webinars facilitated by specialists
essential guides and up-to-date news
settlement info
wellbeing services

Need a Job?


host a LinkedIn group for networking
offer regular employment webinars with critical tips and tools
direct to professional Irish networking organizations across Canada
provide employment guides on our website
post jobs from corporate partners on Facebook and LinkedIn

Need Assistance Completing Applications?

We’ll direct you to IRCC’s application forms.  Ask us questions and we will endeavour to get you non-case-specific information.  For in-depth assistance, if you choose to use an immigration lawyer or regulated Canadian immigration consultant, IRCC can help you to understand what constitutes an authorized representative:

lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society
lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society
immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council
IRCC tips on how to avoid being a victim of fraud

Keep Up To Date

Follow us on social media for news, events, and tips. Tune into our podcast for helpful, in depth information:


News & Events

Cover for Irish Canadian Immigration Centre
Irish Canadian Immigration Centre

Irish Canadian Immigration Centre

Resources, nationally, in 3 key areas: immigration, employment, social services.

MONDAY MORNING MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS:How to get your prescription in CanadaAs stated by Moving2Canada ‘you cannot use a foreign prescription to get prescription medication in Canada. You need to get a prescription from a Canadian doctor, otherwise the pharmacist will not give you the prescription drugs.’You can ‘bring medication required for a single-course of treatment or a 90-day supply of both prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication.’ You can do this for yourself and for anyone traveling with you who is under your care, including dependent children.Your medication must be in hospital or pharmacy-dispensed packaging, the original retail packaging, or have the original label attached to it clearly indicating what the health product is and what it contains to avoid problems bringing your medications into Canada.Once your prescription from home runs out, your can obtain a Canadian prescription from:1. Walk-in clinics2. Family doctors3. On-campus doctors Depending on your immigration status in Canada you can use your personal health insurance, employment health benefits or avail of health care plans from your provincial health care systems to help with your prescription payments.Learn more information on how to get your prescription in Canada from the Moving2Canada.com article linked: moving2canada.com/living/healthcare/prescriptions-canada-newcomers/ Always remember if you want to explore any general health, mental health or well-being supports available to you can reach out to I/CAN's Social Care Advisor for support.Email: s.ogorman@irishcdn.org Call/Text: 778-689-9590#mentalhealth #wellbeing #irishincanada #irishinBC #irishinvancouver #irishintoronto #irishincalgary See MoreSee Less
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FAMILY RESOURCESEI maternity and parental benefits:According to Canada.ca ‘The Employment Insurance (EI) program provides special benefits to workers who take time off work due to specific life events such as illness, pregnancy, caring for a newborn or newly adopted child, caring for a critically ill or injured person and caring for a family member who is seriously ill with a significant risk of death’.Employment Insurance maternity and parental benefits provide financial assistance to:• people who are away from work because they're pregnant or have recently given birth• parents who are away from work to care for their newborn or newly adopted childYou could receive 55% of your earnings, up to a maximum of $668 a week.To find out more information about EI maternity and parental benefits visit the Canada.ca site: www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-maternity-parental.html #irishfamiliesincanada #irishincanada #irishinvancouver #irishintoronto #irishincalgary See MoreSee Less
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HOUSING TIPSDid you know the rent-to-own model of home ownership allows you to rent a home that you intend to, or agree to, buy at the end of your lease agreement? There are different types of rent-to-own programmes in Canada. Check out the attached article by Arrive in for more information about rent-to-own homes. arrivein.com/housing/rent-to-own-buying-a-home-in-canada-as-a-newcomer/ #irishincanada #irishintoronto #irishinvancouver #irishincalgary #irishinedmonton See MoreSee Less
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Newly arrived in Vancouver? Come and join us at our Irish Newcomer Event in Vancouver next week on Thursday February 6th 2-3pm. Please register via the link provided or linktree on our FB page. Hope to see you there! www.eventbrite.ca/e/vancouver-new-arrivals-welcome-event-tickets-1216831679309?aff=oddtdtcreator#irishinvancouver See MoreSee Less
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I/CAN Vancouver board member Eric Keogh at Irl Vancouver's New and Not So New event last night. Great to meet the newcomers and connect with long-time community frie#irishinvancouverouver See MoreSee Less
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